Div. 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Will Mitchell 7 7 100.00
2 Dallas Worthington 1 1 100.00
3 Jacques du Toit 7 8 87.50
4 Kevin Kydd 4 5 80.00
5 Bob Wallace 6 8 75.00
6 Kevin LaHay 5 7 71.43
7 Mark Hodgson 2 3 66.67
7 David Leman 2 3 66.67
9 Zander Cellarius 4 7 57.14
10 Simon Aikema 5 9 55.56
10 Kalem Marchand 5 9 55.56
12 Norman Eberts 1 2 50.00
13 Quentin Lemmer 4 9 44.44
14 Philip Cilliers 3 7 42.86
15 Clint Hall 2 5 40.00
16 Cliff Raps 3 8 37.50
17 Christophe Pauwels 1 3 33.33
18 John White 2 7 28.57
19 Justin Bye 1 6 16.67
20 Ingo Smeets 0 8 0.00
21 Kevin Gaffney 0 2 0.00
22 Edwin Palsma 0 1 0.00
22 Jim Moloney 0 1 0.00
22 0 1 0.00
22 Joel Geschke 0 1 0.00
22 Mohamed El Ashmawi 0 1 0.00
22 Stephen Todd 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Mohamed El Ashmawi 1719
2 Jacques du Toit 1412
3 Kalem Marchand 1378
4 John White 1358
5 Edwin Palsma 1345
6 Cliff Raps 1332
7 David Leman 1321
8 Quentin Lemmer 1306
9 Norman Eberts 1303
10 Kevin LaHay 1277
11 Dallas Worthington 1270
12 Clint Hall 1265
13 Kevin Kydd 1231
14 Bob Wallace 1224
15 Justin Bye 1153
16 Philip Cilliers 1042
17 Will Mitchell 1017
18 Stephen Todd 992
19 Christophe Pauwels 990
20 Mark Hodgson 977
21 Simon Aikema 956
22 Kevin Gaffney 949
23 Joel Geschke 940
24 Zander Cellarius 897
25 Ingo Smeets 786
26 Jim Moloney 758
27 500
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Jacques du Toit 87.50 7 1
2 Kevin LaHay 83.33 5 1
3 Bob Wallace 100.00 5 0
4 Will Mitchell 100.00 6 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Quentin Lemmer 3 4 75.00
2 Kevin Kydd 2 3 66.67
3 Kalem Marchand 4 8 50.00
4 Zander Cellarius 3 6 50.00
5 Kevin LaHay 1 2 50.00
6 Philip Cilliers 2 6 33.33
7 Simon Aikema 1 3 33.33
7 Cliff Raps 1 3 33.33
7 Bob Wallace 1 3 33.33
10 Clint Hall 1 4 25.00
11 Ingo Smeets 8 0.00
12 Justin Bye 4 0.00
13 John White 3 0.00
14 Christophe Pauwels 2 0.00
14 Kevin Gaffney 2 0.00
16 Edwin Palsma 1 0.00
16 Jim Moloney 1 0.00
16 Joel Geschke 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Zander Cellarius 800 897 97
2 Justin Bye 1093 1153 60
3 Kalem Marchand 1319 1378 59
4 Kevin Kydd 1177 1231 54
5 Philip Cilliers 994 1042 48
6 Bob Wallace 1179 1224 45
7 Clint Hall 1249 1265 16
8 Quentin Lemmer 1293 1306 13
9 Kevin Gaffney 942 949 7
10 John White 1352 1358 6
11 Jim Moloney 753 758 5
12 Christophe Pauwels 986 990 4
13 500 500 0
14 Jacques du Toit 1414 1412 -2
15 Will Mitchell 1020 1017 -3
16 Joel Geschke 943 940 -3
17 Ingo Smeets 790 786 -4
18 Kevin LaHay 1284 1277 -7
19 David Leman 1330 1321 -9
20 Norman Eberts 1312 1303 -9
21 Stephen Todd 1001 992 -9
22 Dallas Worthington 1280 1270 -10
22 Mohamed El Ashmawi 1729 1719 -10
24 Mark Hodgson 989 977 -12
25 Simon Aikema 970 956 -14
26 Cliff Raps 1358 1332 -26
27 Edwin Palsma 1371 1345 -26
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Ingo Smeets 8 8 100.00
2 Kevin Gaffney 2 2 100.00
3 Edwin Palsma 1 1 100.00
3 Jim Moloney 1 1 100.00
3 1 1 100.00
3 Joel Geschke 1 1 100.00
3 Mohamed El Ashmawi 1 1 100.00
3 Stephen Todd 1 1 100.00
9 Justin Bye 5 6 83.33
10 John White 5 7 71.43
11 Christophe Pauwels 2 3 66.67
12 Cliff Raps 5 8 62.50
13 Clint Hall 3 5 60.00
14 Philip Cilliers 4 7 57.14
15 Quentin Lemmer 5 9 55.56
16 Norman Eberts 1 2 50.00
17 Simon Aikema 4 9 44.44
17 Kalem Marchand 4 9 44.44
19 Zander Cellarius 3 7 42.86
20 Mark Hodgson 1 3 33.33
20 David Leman 1 3 33.33
22 Kevin LaHay 2 7 28.57
23 Bob Wallace 2 8 25.00
24 Kevin Kydd 1 5 20.00
25 Jacques du Toit 1 8 12.50
26 Will Mitchell 0 7 0.00
27 Dallas Worthington 0 1 0.00