2023 West Coast Open and New Years Bash

Recent Results
Back for its 5th year, the West Coast Open is traditionally the first event of the year and is a great warm up for the Pennant season. The New Years Bash is a silver-rated ability-based event for juniors that follows on from the two-day clinic held at Belmont. Please note West Coast Open matches may spill over onto Sunday 22 January, depending on the number of registrations.  Please ensure you are available to play on that day.  The New Years Bash for juniors will wrap up on the Saturday.

WA Squash will be running a canteen during the event. If any players/parents/partners can spare a couple of hours to help flip toasties, or would like to bake something (healthy-ish) for us to sell, please email Serena via info@wasquash.asn.au.
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Where & When
Fri, Jan 20th 2023
Sat, Jan 21st 2023
Sun, Jan 15th 2023 12:00pm

Disney Street
Brentwood, Western Australia 6153
Sanctioned Event

This is a Squash Australia sanctioned event.

Tournament Officials

Leigh-Anne Kaye

Western Australia, Australia

WA Squash

Western Australia, Australia

Luke Jamieson

Marangaroo, Western Australia, Australia

Neil Butler

Balcatta, Western Australia, Australia
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